
If Only There Were More of Them

"Birthdays make the world go round"


Anonymous said...


kathleen said...

whoa you linked me! and it's my newest blog... i feel... honoured?

anyhow. birthdays are amazing. i take it yours was good. the other day i had a dream that i had a party in march even though my birthday is in september. it was super early. and in the dream i also got a cellphone which was sorta random, cause i've never really wanted a cellphone before. and this is pointless. but that's my story

Anonymous said...

of course he linked you. remember, you guys are best friends now. how many times do i have to go over that???

Jonathan said...

blue + yellow = green!!!

Elena said...

yeah thanks for linking me too, Jonathan...it's especially nice since we both have the same cousin so we're distantly distantly related in some way shape or form...

*sarcasm* wow.

Elena said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jonathan said...

sorry sorry sorry

i was going to say "hey, you're in Belize, how do you know who I've linked and who I haven't?" but then i noticed that you now have a Belize blog, so i didn't say that. anyways, now you're linked twice. better?

Madeleine said...

I have a new blog.

Madeleine said...

you could delete those links to my other blogs.
i never use them..

Jonathan said...

if you say so...

jkoukla said...

yeah, if only we were born two or more times a year

Jon Berg said...

comments on a post from february are still up and kicking. so i thought i might as well throw a thanks in for linking me.

thanks 'jonathan'.


Jonathan said...

no problem jonathan. weird, im actually not talking to myself that time...