
Next Stop Is...

Man, TTC bus drivers must not get very good benefits or something: from my observations they certainly seem always at the ready to leave their posts (ie: the bus) at the end of their shifts. Twice now I've been sitting on a bus which has pulled into a stop (ie: nothing more than a space to the side of the busy street just big enough for a bus), at which point the bus driver has just gotten up and walked away. The strangest part? The bus was left running. It took a good five minutes before the replacement bus driver finally showed up (probably late for his unfulfilling job), during which time I'll admit I was very tempted to try and drive myself the rest of the way to school.

Public Transit Employee Satisfaction Rating Fail.


... said...

omg jon! you used the wrong "there". its like i dont even know you anymore... unless you were talking yokelese, like at the end of them there shifts

Jonathan said...

that's ... embarrassing

dried said...

although, being a bus driver is probably on par with being a garbage man

...I'll verify both of those for you in about three years.

... said...

especially a bus driver in toronto. At least the garbageman gets to drive around stuff of at least SOME value. heh