
El Desayuno

So, I'm eating my cereal, reading the Alpha-Bits box out of sheer lack of other things to do while I'm eating my cereal. When I come upon a little line of text near the bottom of the box, pretty small type and with all attention being drawn away from it by Alpha, that crazy computer.

"Skim Milk Recommended"

That's just what I need - my breakfast telling me what to do...


... said...

maybe you should start eating grown-up cereals.
you know, the kind with no prizes or fun-tivities on the back.

Jessica said...

Nothing to start your day off better than a little light reading!

Rachel said...

alphabits taste like the findings under a fridge.

... said...

only a student would know what those taste like

Darryl said...

I'd take skim milk over the offerings here. I got terribly excited the other day because I saw a carton that said milk on it. Then I saw the fine print at the bottom: made from 100% fresh milk. Any milk that needs to assure you it's made from milk can stay the hell away from me.